11 Mar 2020

Highlight current word on Vim

Reproduce a VSCode feature in a few lines of Vimscript

I’m a Vim user, but I sometimes wonder if some features from other editors, like VSCode would suits my workflow. Highlighting the current word is one of them.
I set my objective to reproduce it on Vim without becoming to heavy.

VSCode highlight on pub word


First step is to define the file structure:

  • Autoload file, where the code resides. Autoload files allow Vim to load the function only when needed, not before.
  • Plugin file to handle the call to the autoload function.
    └── .vim
        ├── plugin
        │   └── highlight_current_word.vim
        └── autoload
            └── highlight_current_word.vim

The plugin file is the easiest, it needs to have a autocommand group, and an autocommand to call the highlight function (from autoload) when the CursorMoved event is dispatched.
Additionally, we will also create a highlight group for the word, defining background and foreground.

" File: .vim/plugin/highlight_current_word.vim
highlight HighlightCurrentWord guibg=#463626 ctermbg=94

augroup highlight_current_word
    au CursorMoved * call highlight_current_word#fn()
augroup END

For the main function, the idea is to leverage on matchadd() and matchdelete().
matchadd() assign a highlight group according to a given regular expression. An id can be provided to identify and cancel the assignment with matchdelete()

The complete logic will be the following:

  1. Select a random ID
  2. Match delete past highlight group matching the ID
  3. Find the word under the cursor
  4. Assign the highlight group to the current word, with the same random ID
" File: .vim/autoload/highlight_current_word.vim
function! highlight_current_word#fn()
  let exclude_ft = ["nerdtree", "fugitive", "fzf"]
    if index(exclude_ft, &filetype) == -1
            call matchdelete(481516)
        let current_word = escape(expand("<cword>"), "\\/[]*~")
        call matchadd("HighlightCurrentWord", "\\<" . current_word ."\\>", 0, 481516)

Additionally, it is possible to check that the filetype of the current buffer is not part of a blacklist, to avoid unnecessary highlights.
Also, for current_word, we are using escape() in order to prevent special characters to be matched with matchadd()

Result is the following:

Vim highlight on pub word


You can find the source of this files on my dotfiles on Github